January 2024

January 2024


Bringing back the blogs into 2024 gives you as our community a clear insight into our current projects, future projects, and what we've been up to each month here at JA Designs. Last year (2023) saw us make some of our best work and allowed us to focus more on our vehicle packages whilst also keeping in mind our origins of liveries and eup. Towards the end of 2023, we saw that our vehicle packages became the front of JA Designs bringing out the new 2023 Code 3 Package and our 2023 Valor Package. Both of these set some amazing records for us here and will be hard to beat this year. 


What happened in January?

January started slowly for us this year. Coming off the back of our Christmas break and our extremely busy period during Christmas a lot of projects were coming to a close. Projects such as our brand new LSCSO Package which was released on the 31st of January; and also our 2023 Code 3 Package which was released at Christmas... We truly were in our best position to prepare to start new masterpieces. 

The development team took the opportunity during the break to meet and discuss what projects to work on throughout 2024 and we have some amazing ideas in mind that currently are in the works and due to be shown very very shortly. 


What are the new upcoming projects?

LSCSO was a blast, and it showed the power of our community. Going into February, we're bringing in a brand new project never seen before at JA Designs... This is our Port Police Package which will be a MEGA Package including Liveries and EUP. The design is already in place, and visible in our Discord channels... we have so many projects in mind and we can't wait to show you all of the ideas we have.

What is next to be remastered?

This is a common question we get here and we must give a clear answer to allow you to prepare for what's next and give you time to update your departments and servers. We've decided to remaster our San Andreas Fire Rescue Liveries & EUP. This has been a long time coming and as we've just come off remastering our LSCSO Project, it is too early to remaster the BCSO Package. We all know here that SAFR is a majority favourite with it being our best-selling EUP Package so I can assure you it will be set off with a crazy design and a beautiful clothing package. No design has yet been designed.


Patreon Update

In early January, we pushed an update to our Patreon which was deemed for the greater good. Each month will now include THREE releases. All releases will be based on a department which will be chosen every month from the Patreon Community. The month of January was voted to be Broward County Sheriff so we made Liveries, EUP, and a Vehicle based on the Sheriff's Department. This will be the new style of our Patreon so if you're looking for a commission, why not head to our Patreon? It could be coming to there!

That's all for now,

Each month will be a new update to our community, so it's important we update you all with our 2024 adventure!

Many thanks,
